Category Archives: Cheer Strength News

Cheer Strength Teams Compete this Weekend

All of the Cheer Strength teams have been working tremendously hard and 3 will be debuting their skills in competition this weekend on Saturday March 16th 2013.

Durban Diamonds’ highschool and tertiary stunt groups are competing at their first competition at Collingwood Primary school in the Bluff, Durban.  For most of these girls, this is their first year as a cheerleader, many only starting weeks ago, yet all are very confident and ready to show of their impressive skills and aiming to win the competition.

Cheer Strike Allstars from Johannesburg will be competing in their second competition of the season in Pretoria and hoping to show off skills never yet performed in South Africa or by a South African team.

Good luck to all Cheer Strength cheerleaders and their competitors competing this weekend!